

why did i meet you? why did i go there? why did you come? why were we even there? why did you laugh at my jokes? why did you have to smile? why were you so kind? why was i such a jerk? why did i like you? why did your eyes have to be that color? why did i try? why did i fall for you? why did you have to cry? why did i care? why weren't you mean? why didn't you hate me? why did you enjoy my company? why were we friends? why did you have to be so beautiful? why were you like an angel? why did you care for this demon? why did you thank me? why didn't you push me away? why did i write you, all those letters? why did we dance? why did i help you during those years? why did i want you? why didn't you tell me? why did you say that? why was i more like a brother? why not a boyfriend?why did you hug me? why wouldn't it work? why did you leave me alone? why did i feel hollow inside? why was my heart torn apart? why was my soul dying? why did i keep living? why did i want you when you were gone? why did i go out into the snow? why did i cry? why didn't i ask you to stay? why did i lie to everyone? why did they fall for me? why didn't i make them leave? why did love them? why did i trick them? why am i still alive? why am i letting them go? why can't i let you go? why? because i loved you.

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